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MultiCH Almaznaya Rossup Yupiter DJ

Jupiter is a Russian import with a wonderful temperament. I have been extremely impressed with how well he has meshed with the other dogs in my pack seeing that I got him at an older age. He has no issues being around my other intact males which is a huge goal of mine since all of my dogs live in my home. He is Brew's grandsire so it's really nice seeing both of them be so similar. Jupiter has a nice drive to retrieve, is environmentally stable, and has a great off switch. He has produced service and therapy dogs, hunting dogs, and wonderful family pets. His puppies have gorgeous conformation, temperament, and drive. I couldn't ask for a better behaved stud and I look forward to all of the puppies he brings to my program and other likeminded breeders.

Jupiter is available for stud to approved females - natural breeding, side by side AI, or shipped fresh chilled. His stud fee is $1500. Please email us for his stud package.

Date of Birth: March 23 2017

FCI Hips: A

OFA Hips: Excellent

FCI Elbows: 0

OFA Elbows: Normal

OFA Eyes: Normal w/ Breeder Option

OFA Cardiac (Auscultation + Echocardiogram): Normal

CNM: Clear

DM: Clear

EIC: Clear

SD2: Clear

HNPK: Clear

PRA: Clear

Dilute: Clear

EEBb - black carrying chocolate


OFA Results

Embark Genetic Panel


Champion of Russia

Champion of Kazakhstan

Junior Champion of Kazakhstan

Dock Junior

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